Goff Ministries is proud to present: Larry & Betty Goff,  "The Early Works". These songs will bless you!

God has blessed Larry and Betty with the gift of music.  They have blessed people all over the world with their voices. Many years ago one man was so touched that he paid for a studio to record Larry & Betty singing and make an album.  Because of our commitment to never sell the gifts the Lord has given us and because our limited funds at that time, only a few hundred copies of this album were distributed. Shortly there after we left the country on a mission to Mexico and did not return for several years.  The master copy of this album was lost to us and all other copies soon were too poor to copy from because of the repeated use by their owners.  Over the years we have received hundreds of request for this album from people that had worn their audio tapes completely out.  I am very pleased to announce that the original master copy was recently located and has now been recorded onto CD. PTL!!!

Below are some of our own songs in MP3 format for you to download and hear this wonderful music.

Harvest Time.mp3

The Little Church That Nestles in my Mind.mp3

A special Kind of Man.mp3

I come to the garden alone.mp3

I Believe.mp3

Jesus Don't Give up on me.mp3

Jesus, There's Just Something About That Name.mp3

Lord help me walk another mile.mp3

Without Him I could do nothing.mp3

Mark 1:25.mp3

One Day Too Late.mp3

Cuán gloriosa será la mañana.mp3


I Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now.mp3

Just a Closer Walk with Thee.mp3

I've Come to Far to Look Back.mp3

Say I Do.mp3

I See Jesus.mp3

I Know The Lord Will Make a Way Somehow.mp3

Many Things About Tomorrow.mp3

If I be Lifted Up I'll Draw all Men to Me.mp3

Jesus Use Me.mp3

Something Beautiful.mp3

Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul.mp3


My favorite singer of all time is a man named Don Francisco.  His songs have encouraged and strengthened me since childhood even in the darkest of jungles on the mission field over the last 37 years.  Over the years I have worn out several cassette tapes from playing them so much and yet I still shed tears at hearing some of these wonderful songs again.  Don has now made most of his music available for free download on his own site.  You can download premium quality mp3's at the page below.  Don's music will touch you!  Enough said.











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